Are you looking for some extra cash this Spring? Perhaps you have home repair projects lined up, a Spring vacation around the corner, or maybe you just need a little money to hold you over until your next paycheck. If that’s the case, then an auto title loan is the perfect solution for you! Tio Rico is an auto title loan company that will help you get the money you need, quickly. There are many advantages to getting an auto title loan or personal loan from Tio Rico that can alleviate the stress from your financial situation. Here are our customers’ top 4 reasons to get a loan through Tio Rico.
1. Bad Credit? Good Credit? No Credit? No Problem
Are you worried about not qualifying because of bad credit history or perhaps you have no credit at all? Don’t panic just yet. We have worked with many families over the years to get them the money they need when they need it. Come to one of our many conveniently located centers in Arizona, California, and New Mexico to speak with one of our knowledgeable and friendly financial advisors. All you need to apply is to be 18 years or older, own a vehicle (it’s okay if you are still making payments), possess a certificate of title, and have a photo ID or drivers license. Bring this information in and lets get started today.
2. A Fast and Easy Application Process
Our cash loan application process here at Tio Rico is fast and easy! You can apply 3 different ways; online, in person, or by phone. To apply online, simply fill out our 1 minute form on the right and a Tio Rico member will contact you in 5 minutes or less! To apply in person, just come visit us at one of our convenient locations in California, Arizona, and Mexico and one of our friendly and experienced customer service representatives will get you started on the application process.
3. Get the Cash You Need, Almost Immediately
Tio Rico offers auto title loans ranging anywhere from $100 to $100,000. The amount of the loan is made against the equity of the vehicle you own so after the loan is approved we will let you know how much you are qualified for. With our quick and easy loan application process, you can also count on us to have your loan approved in 30 minutes or less!
4. Affordable Payments Tailored to You
At Tio Rico, we’re all about making you happy. We will find the best possible financial solution for you to make it work. We provide flexible payment plans, whether you need it to be bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly payments. Our title loan team will get you settled with payments that are right for you.
When you are looking for some extra money, come to the people who care and the company that has helped thousands of people in need. Visit us online, in-store, or call us at 602-322-1010 and we’ll help you get the money you need today.