Summer is around the corner and the time for vacations, home repairs, or car maintenance are quickly becoming your priority. When you need a little extra money to balance out the bigger expenses in your life, getting a personal loan may just be the solution that you were looking for all along. Forget credit card debt, when you get a personal loan through Tio Rico, we will sit down with you to determine a budget and discuss a payback schedule that will work for you. Many customers come to us asking, “What is a personal loan and how can I get one?”. Before you even walk through our doors, we will break down the details of a personal loan.
What are Personal Loans?
A personal loan is a quick and easy short-term cash loan that allows you to borrow anywhere from $100 to $1,000 to cover your immediate expenses. Generally, they’re used to finance a vehicle, renovations to a home, finance a vacation, consolidate debt, and many other things. They are also considered short-term, ranging from one to five years.
What Do I Need To Get a Personal Loan?
Are you afraid that you may not get approved for a loan because you have bad credit? Don’t worry. Qualifying for a loan with good credit, bad, credit, or no credit history is feasible. We review each customer individually, so we encourage you to stop by to fill out our simple and quick loan application as soon as possible. Before you come in, don’t forget these four essential items:
- A Motor Vehicle Registration in your name (this includes a car, truck, SUV, or motorcycle).
- You must be 18 years or older to apply.
- Have a Government Issued ID (ex: Driver’s License).
- Have a bank checking Account or Debit Card from your employer.
We offer the best personal loans in Arizona and New Mexico because our customer service is unmatched!
We all face difficult financial situations from time to time, and having the option to get cash when it’s needed is very relieving. We understand how valuable your time is, so we can have you in and out of our loan center, with cash in hand, in as little as 30 minutes. This summer, go on that vacation that you deserve, update the kitchen appliance, or get your car road-trip-ready with the help of Tio Rico.