Less-than-perfect credit history can make you feel like you are constantly facing roadblocks when you need to borrow money. Bad credit history can follow you around for years, even if you are in a much better situation than you were when your credit took a hit. The good news is that there are online personal loans for bad credit that may be the right fit for you if you need some extra cash.
Who Can Qualify
Online personal loans for bad credit are available to people who have a few dings on their credit. This type of loan does not require you to have a high credit score in order to qualify. If you can show that you have a regular paycheck and provide some basic documentation, you can qualify. The loan provider in this situation looks at your current life to make a loan decision instead of focusing solely on something that happened in your financial life in the past.
What Information is Required
There is a basic list of information you need to provide in order to get a personal loan in AZ even if you have bad credit. This type of loan is typically small – between $100 and $1,000. To get a personal loan with bad credit you need to have a motor vehicle registration in your name, show that you are 18 year or older, have a government-issued identification such as a driver’s license, proof that you have a checking account with a debit card, and provide your most current paycheck stub. If you can provide the information outlined above, you have what you need to apply for a personal loan in Arizona.
How long it takes
It is good to know how long it takes to get a personal loan in Arizona – especially if you need cash fast. If you are looking for a small loan – between $100 and $1,000 – you can get the loan approved and processed in as little as 30 minutes when you go to a loan provider like Tio Rico.
Where to Look for Personal Loans for Bad Credit
In Arizona, you can apply for a small personal loan from Tio Rico. Tio Rico Loan Centers offer loans to people and makes decisions based on current life situation instead of looking at credit history. If you live in or around Phoenix, Avondale, Glendale, or Mesa, Arizona, there is a Tio Rico Loan Center near you. You can get the application process started online and finish up the process by visiting one of the loan center locations in person.
Tio Rico offers two different loan products and will approve loans based on current circumstances without considering credit scores. You can visit the Tio Rico website to fill out the online application and get a complete list of the things you need to get approved for a loan.