When an emergency occurs, not only can it cause physical and emotional upheaval, it also wreaks havoc on your financial situation. If you have to sink money into unexpected bills, it can leave you scrambling to pay for day to day necessities like groceries, let alone monthly bills. Not everyone has insurance to cover them in emergency situations. Most financial institutions will require an established credit history to obtain a loan, which some won’t qualify for. Tio Rico Te Ayuda is home of the personal and title loan in Tucson, the Phoenix area, as well as greater Los Angeles. Below we discuss why title loans or personal loans could be the right choice for you when you need emergency cash.
Is a Title Loan Right For Me?
If you own the title to your vehicle, a title loan could be the perfect option for you if you need emergency cash. Tio Rico will pay you cash based on the equity of your current vehicle. Use your vehicle as collateral to obtain quick cash. Following are benefits of a title loan:
- Quick, no hassle process. Applying is easy and the payout is lightning fast.
- You can still use your vehicle once you receive your loan.
- A cheaper option than cash advances. Your vehicle acts as insurance to keep your interest rates reasonable.
Should I Get a Personal Loan?
Not everyone who is faced with an emergency financial situation owns their current vehicles outright. Tio Rico offers personal loans to Arizona drivers whose names are not yet on their titles. Personal loans are typically smaller loans to offer assistance with necessities and monthly bills in emergency situations. Following are benefits to getting a personal loan:
- You don’t need to provide your vehicle as collateral.
- No credit checks! Still, qualify with a poor credit history.
- Easy and fast application process. Get your money in minutes, not days or weeks.
- Relieve the stress that emergency situations can cause.
At Tio Rico, we offer fast, no hassle title loans and personal loans throughout the Phoenix, Arizona and Los Angeles, California area. Visit us at one of our locations or apply online today. You are steps away from getting that financial relief you have been looking for!