Do you have a financial history or record you are not entirely proud of? Years of too much spending and not enough saving leaving you with bad credit to deal with, even as you get your financial situation back on track? Do not worry, you are not alone in this situation. In the United States alone one out of five individuals has poor or bad credit.
Tio Rico is here to help. As an Arizona-based financial lender, with convenient offices throughout the state of Arizona and New Mexico, Tio Rico is the solution for individuals with bad credit looking to take out a loan. We offer many different loans for people with bad credit.
Auto Title Loans
Our auto title loans are simple and easy to obtain. The loan is made against the value of your automobile. Whether it be a car, truck, motorcycle, or RV as long as you have a current title proving ownership, you automatically become eligible for an auto title loan up to $100,000. From there, Tio Rico will work to get the loan approved in less than thirty minutes. We offer a very flexible payment plan to work around your busy, demanding schedule: bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly.
Personal Loans
If you are looking to solve a short-term cash flow problem, consider applying for one of Tio Rico’s personal loans. With our flexible cash loans, you can borrow up to $1000, and walk out the door with cash in hand. Unlike our auto title loans, to qualify for a personal loan all you need is a motor vehicle registration in your name (it’s okay if it’s not current), be 18 years or older, have a government issued id, and have a bank checking account or debit card from your employer. This is a great loan for people with bad credit!
Signature Loans
For California residents looking for a third loan option, signature loans are a great choice. Similar to personal cash loans, signature loans can be dispersed almost immediately. An unsecured signature loan works similar to using a credit card. You use the borrowed amount towards a single or specific purchase and pay off the loan in a pre-defined time period and monthly installment.
At Tio Rico, we do not judge you for your past financial mistakes. Sometimes good people fall on hard times and consequently build up poor credit. It is our job to help empower you out of financial debt with our variety of loan options.