Money loans have always been a quick and easy way to secure cash when needed. Perhaps no better time to consider this is in January. Into the New Year, the holidays have wound down, and the bills have started to hit the mailbox. For many, the Christmas season, with all the gift-giving, holiday parties, celebrations, travel, time off from work, combined with increased spending that goes with it, can add up to fresh debt. That debt, on average, according to consumer reports, is just under $1,000 come January. It can quickly snowball if not paid off quickly. Why?
Need to Pay Off Holiday Debt?
Maxed out credit cards and department store credit cards come with hefty interest rates that can take the wind out of anyone’s sails. In fact, over 50% of debt holders use a bank credit card to finance their holiday debt. Another 30% or more will use a department store card to finance the holidays. Many debt holders will use both, and each can carry interest rates of upwards and over 20% or more. That 25% off sale at your favorite department store can quickly be swallowed up by high-interest rates unless you can pay the card(s) off fast.
The reality is that you can. There’s no reason to let those bills and high-interest rates gnaw at you. Consider money loans as an option. You can pay off your holiday credit card debt and save a bundle on high-interest rates with a loan. Obtaining a loan from the right institution is important. The right institution can secure a loan quickly at reasonable rates. They offer flexibility, fixed rates, and fast, accessible, easy short-term cash loans.
What is a Money Loan?
These types of money loans, also referred to as personal loans, are not backed by any forms of collateral. To qualify you do not need equity in auto, home, condo or any other personal property. In most cases, they come with very simple conditions. For starters, the time it takes to pay the debt off, the term, is fixed, generally from 12 months up to five years. You also know how much you must pay each month over that fixed period of time. Compared to a credit card, paying a fixed amount or a minimum amount due each month could take 20 years to pay off.
Benefits of Money Loans
Another benefit of these money loans is that they come with a fixed interest rate. You will not only know what the length of the loan is but what your monthly payments are when you sign on the line. That interest rate and those monthly payments will remain the same the life of the loan. Interest rates on your credit cards can change or increase at any time or on future purchases.
A personal loan can greatly benefit you, your credit rating, and reduce your monthly expenses. Paying off all the credit card and department store cards will build upon and improve your credit. Instead of having three or four credit cards with variable rates and monthly payments, money loans offer you the opportunity to combine all payments into one fixed amount and setting your monthly budget.
This New Years, relieve yourself of the financial stress that comes after the holidays. Rid that debt and high-interest rates that can snowball into an avalanche. Secure a personal loan easily with limited, hassle-free processing, enjoy pocket-friendly monthly payments, and enter the New Year on a sound financial footing with a sound financial plan.
In Arizona and want to learn more about personal loans? Contact us at Tio Rico today for more information!