The unexpected, high-cost events that occur in life always seem to come when money is tight. Sometimes these costs leave us falling behind on our regular monthly bills. Between expenses for rent, electricity, water, cell phone, car, insurance bills and more, it’s hard to keep up with all these varying due dates. It doesn’t matter if you’re short on funds or living paycheck-to-paycheck, being late can impact your credit and cause some serious consequences. Tio Rico are here to help make sure that you avoid eviction, pesky late fees, and a plummeting credit score. Here are our top 4 tips to staying on top of your bills:
1. Maintain a Budget
How do you keep track of your spending? Are you actively using a spreadsheet or notebook to track your monthly spending and bills? If not, we highly suggest that you start now! Not only can this method make you feel like everything’s under control, but it also helps to plan out exactly how much you will need to save up in order to pay for all of your monthly expenses and bills. Whatever
amount you write down can be considered as untouchable money or money you’ve already spent. That way, you know exactly how much you have to play around with each month and don’t have to stress about overspending or not having enough to pay for bills.
2. Set Up Automatic Payments
Most services have readily available online payment platforms that you should take full advantage of. Call each service you receive a bill for each month and ask about how their automatic payment program works. By enrolling in these programs, you don’t have to worry about missing a payment or sending in late payments. The bill will automatically be withdrawn from your account on the set date. All you have to do is make sure there’s enough money in your account!
3. Use a Calendar
Use a planner, calendar, or app on your phone to set reminders specifically for bill due dates. By reviewing your bill calendar at the beginning of each week, you know just how much you are spending on bills each week. Not only does this help you remember when to pay, but it also feels great to cross payments off when completed!
4. Research Signature Loans California Offers
My Tio Rico offers several different loan options including signature loans. These range anywhere from $250 to $3,000 so if you find yourself having unexpected bills to pay or fall into a wave of late fees, you’ll be able to afford to pay everything off.
To learn more about the Signature Loans California program we offer, call My Tio Rico today or fill out the form to the right.